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Six SFF Works to Embrace When You’re Not Feeling Your Best


Six SFF Works to Embrace When You’re Not Feeling Your Best

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Six SFF Works to Embrace When You’re Not Feeling Your Best


Published on August 3, 2021

Photo via Unsplash
Photo via Unsplash

It’s difficult to do anything when one is sick or feeling down. While others might nap away a minor fever or watch Netflix, my go-to solution for when I can’t focus on any work during a sickness nor sleep any more (because I napped too hard during the day) is to read books. I also turn to reading for comfort whenever I’m just not feeling my best. Sometimes, the books find me and I realize they were exactly what I needed on an otherwise gloomy day.

The following is a list of works—from fairy tales and post-apocalyptic comics to science fiction and children’s books—that distracted me during a recent bout of fever, along with stories I’ve turned to when I wanted to take a break from my life and lose myself in a feel-good world where I don’t have to overthink everything, where I can just sit back and let the words take over…


Stand Still, Stay Silent by Minna Sundberg

It’s 90 years in the future, almost a century since a “rash illness” broke out. Barring the Scandinavian countries, the world has been rendered uninhabitable because of the beasts, giants, and trolls that this illness produced. Into this “silent world” venture our protagonists: a crew of bored and desperate people looking for a change, adventure, or well, money, by hunting for books left behind by the countries the illness wiped out.

The crew’s journey and funny character dynamics aside, what I love most about Stand Still, Stay Silent are Sundberg’s sweeping landscape illustrations, which combine the beautiful and the eerie, revealing a hushed world full of abruptly abandoned cities and nature, with strange creatures lurking under the blanket of snow, the waters of a lake, or in the corridors of a supermarket. This contrast makes it a cozy and comforting tale that is perfect for slowing down and for binge-reading, which was somehow the very thing I needed when I was down with a fever a few months ago.

The webcomic began in 2013 and updates consistently every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The first adventure finished in 2018 and we’re 460 pages into the second one, so there’s a lot of content to enjoy.


The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo

Kate DiCamillo’s homely fairy tale starts with the birth of a very tiny mouse with very big ears. But it also starts before that, when a rat living in the dark dungeons of a castle discovers light, and before that, when a girl is told again and again that no one cares what she wants, and even before that, when a princess loses her mother at a banquet. The Tale of Despereaux is the story of how all these people and light and darkness and revenge and love (and soup!) come together.

I read the book—which I’d initially ignored at a thrift shop—when I was much older than the intended audience. But despite that, it was the first book that made me feel quite so many things; I loved it so much that if my house were ever on fire, this is one of the first books I’ll rescue. It’s the ultimate comfort read for lonely days, days when you could do with a hug, a nice blanket, and a warm bowl of soup.


The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O’Neill (sometimes credited as Katie or K. O’Neill)

Imagine a world where tea leaves grow on the horns of dragons—leaves that store memories of the dragon and the people it loved—but the art of taking care of these dragons is disappearing. Within this unique world, O’Neill explores, with their colorful illustrations and honest dialogue (with some characters speaking in sign language) themes such as identity crisis, loss of memory and purpose, finding new purpose, and the realization that sometimes things don’t go as planned, but that doesn’t mean alternative outcomes cannot be just as fulfilling. While this may sound like heavy stuff, everything about these books—from the cheerful landscapes to the cozy tea-making rituals and  the adorable, cuddly dragons—feels like a reassuring hug, like someone speaking comforting words that you didn’t realize you needed to hear.


Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman

One more children’s book, yes—but when it’s Neil Gaiman telling that story, the age of the reader becomes irrelevant. Because, honestly, what person wouldn’t want to go on a time-travel adventure with a dragon in a hot-air balloon every time they stepped out to buy milk? If you’re having a day when you’re not feeling great but also don’t have a lot of time to take a break to rest, this is the perfect book to pick up, or listen to—the audiobook is narrated by Gaiman himself and is barely an hour long.


The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Sometimes Mostly, life doesn’t make sense. For times when this feeling is particularly strong, Douglas Adams’s classic Hitchhiker books are a good distraction. They’re funny, they’re ridiculous, they’re philosophical, and they’re a weirdly emotional reminder of why this world is worth living in and protecting.

They’re also immensely reassuring—for, when you’re done reading and return to the real world, you’ll be glad that, as tough as this day might be to get through, at least you don’t have to save the entire universe.


The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction by Neil Gaiman

Okay, so this is not SFF but a book about SFF, among other things. Gaiman writes with honesty, kindness, and deep love, whatever the topic—these include his famous ‘Make Good Art’ speech, his credo on good and bad ideas and freedom of expression, portraits of authors and artists, and reflections on the books and events that have inspired him over the years. Reading this collection is like getting the chance to fangirl about books and movies and music alongside the author.

I flip through my copy and reread the quotes I’ve underlined every time I’m feeling uninspired or lost. Gaiman comes across to his readers as the kind of person who seems to understand you without ever having met you. It’s impossible to read this book and not feel excited about making and consuming art and reveling in all the marvelous things that humanity has produced, even if you’re not an artist yourself. As Caitlin Moran states in her cover quote, “If this book came to you during a despairing night, by dawn you would believe in ideas and hope and humans again.” And isn’t that a good feeling to have when you’re not feeling your best?


Ratika Deshpande’s (she/her) work has appeared in Flash Fiction Magazine and Every Day Fiction. She has also written for Submittable’s blog, Discover. She’s good at summarizing long conversations, better at finishing work before the deadline, and best at making bad jokes. She lives in New Delhi, India, and is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s in Applied Psychology.

About the Author

Ratika Deshpande


Ratika Deshpande (she/her), writes, rambles, and rants on her blog at
Learn More About Ratika
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3 years ago

A Psalm for the Wild-Built

3 years ago

Good list!

3 years ago

 At the top of my list would be The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede

3 years ago

The Golden Globe by John Varley and Godstalk by P.C. Hodgell.

3 years ago

Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn is my favorite go to comfort book.  It’s a nice standalone fantasy/romance lite where pretty much everybody who deserves one gets a happy ending and the bad people get their comeuppance.

My ten year old son adores Tale of Despereaux and I recently discovered it because of him (and it was something I read through on our last vacation). It’s charming and has some profound messages :)

Jenny Islander
3 years ago

The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold: even what seems like pointless misery and self-destructive despair can have meaning. 

Remnant Population by Elizabeth Moon: Somebody who’s been pushed aside and kept down all her life is handed a chance to do whatever the hell she wants.  And then she is handed a bunch more chances.

But really, a lot of the SF&F stories I curl up in these days are fanfic, because fanfic writers know exactly how to provide an escape.

3 years ago

Robin Sloan’s ‘Sourdough” is just the ticket when you are feeling down. A magical sourdough starter and a female protagonist who works in a tech firm where she experiences no harassment or discrimination and a cast of oddball characters. Great stuff. Surprised it hasn’t been optioned by Netflix or Amazon or even Disney 

3 years ago

I tend to re-read old favorites (so I don’t have to focus when I can’t really focus), including:

Roadmarks, by Roger Zelazny, giving me an escape to other places and times instead of my sickbed.

The Earth Witch, by Louise Lawrence, because Owen recovers from illness and isolation twice, until he can rejoin the world.

3 years ago

Personally I found the lengthy Wheel of Time series a blessing when sitting in waiting rooms or getting chemo, which btw isn’t as bad as you might think. Wheel draws you in and you don’t run out of books! 😁

3 years ago

For me, I would turn to Lord of Light by Zelazny or The Princes Of The Air by John M  Ford. 

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